Archive for the ‘cv’ Category

(photo via Sox)

Yesterday Iowa got a birthday treat and this is how he described the event above to Dalas.
iowa: ha!
iowa: holy shit
iowa: you just missed the craziest thing
iowa: its my bday todya
iowa: and the girls hired this super old guy
iowa: who basically came and gave me a strip show

Vimeo of one of the most bizarre things to go down in the office to date.


I noticed this sign when we first moved into our office. I don’t think
it was done by any on at CV, mostly because we don’t have a copier. It
is good to know that’s sales’ team value good looks.



Check out Streeter’s white people problems blog.

If you haven’t seen the newest Prank War video then watch it! Amir FTW!

 Jeff Rosenberg interviewed the inventor the Fleshlight.  The Fleshlight gets talked about more in the office than it probably should.


This could of easily been called’s homepage today.

Two new cool videos from the world of CV. Two new cool videos from the world of David Fishel.

 Sizzle Reel – David Fishel edited this piece together to give people an idea of what CollegeHumor is all about.  It watches like a high school video yearbook.

Davey Dance Blog  – Once again, David Fishel has gotten a group of us together to dance in public while he films.

I’ve been back from Las Vegas and Chicago now for about a week and have been a total slag on posting.  I took very little photos and videos on my trip, but lucky for me Jmo and DT are champs and did the job for me.

Here is a Vimeo of the trip by JMO 









more photos. 

Yesterday afternoon Dave Fishnel did one of his famous dance blogs on the L train towards Brooklyn. There are about 20 of us from the office in it. (Watch It)

We’re falling apart to half time

Here is a text version of the Metro article.

Annamarie: good new!!!!! i have
absolutely zero recollection of any
of those hey lets rage photos being
taken of me

HEY, Let’s Rage? v3.0 went down hard on Saturday night. The next one is scheduled for September where we will be introducing “HEY, Let’s Rage? WHATEVER”. Sober up and save up all your doubts for the ANGSTY-IST night since the 8th grade dance,

.more pics.

OK GUYS! It looks like Saturday night is going to be major, so let’s up the fist pumping by making it the first HEY, Let’s Rage? theme party. Deets in the event section.


Break out yr best post ironic fashion.


  • Stopping eating, what’s that you say the parties tomorrow night? TIME TO PURGE! GET STARTED ON YOUR PUKE AN EVENING EARLY
  • Who wears there sunglasses at night? YOU DO NOW!
  • Sick TATs – better get them and not regret them
  • Metallic cover your phallic
  • Talk about electroclash like it didn’t even happen!!!!!
  • If you don’t have a PBR in yr hand you better have some coke in yr nose

GuYs It Is So FuCkInG IrOnIc HoW a WhItE hIpStEr FaCtOrY iS HaViNg A pArTy AbOuT bEiNg An ObNoXiOuS wHiTe HiPsTeR FaCtOrY!!!!1
I am aware that this may just be some of us coming in our normal garb, but make it a little extra ridic…maybe add glitter?

alive and living well.

Before starting at Connected Ventures I had never been stuck in an elevator. Now I can say I have been stuck in an elevator at least three times in the past year.



“Our overloaded elevator skid down the shaft 17 floors, then freefell a relatively short height, crashing into the sub-basement. We were stuck inside for about 30 minutes before firefighters came. “

Zach Klein


WTF – I woke up to this email in my in box, from a stranger.

SUBJECT: Help us stop the Octillinaxions from killing your vagina

Amanda dearest,

The archbishop of Norway desperatly needs your help. After what was supposed
to be a diplomatic meeting with the overlords of a certain german province
that shall remain nameless, we have becom aware that these perticular
Germans are, in fact, aliens. And not your typically docile alien, easliy
put to use as labourers in an industry suited to their respective
ethnicities either. Big fucking mean ones, with rayguns and acid breath.
These aliens quickly disposed of the superpolice in charge og the
archbishops security and kidnapped his holyness. Now, it should be added
that the arch bishop himself is considered somthing of a prick back here in
Norway, but that does not mean we are prepared to leave him to be tortured
by a device that according to our intelligence makes the Probulator 3000
seem like the Anal Juggler 50K. By now you might be thinking what you could
do to help his holyness and maybe why you should even care. That can easliy
be answered with the following. As we speak the Octillinaxions, the
aforementioned aliens, are working on a weapon that wil cause any vagina
within the blast radius to explode. Obviously this should be of great
consern to you, shoudl the Octillinaxions ever set their eyes on occupation
of your native country. As such we desperatly ask for your help. “How?” you
ask. Well, it´s quite simple really. Just stay cute and never date any sort
of asshole guy just beacuse he has an enormously oversized penis. I have a
feeling you deserve better. Admittedly. I don´t know you, but cuteness,
funness and coolness levels seem to be way above the average and were you
within walking distance i´d serioulsy consider buying you a flower or some
sort of muffin. I´m partial to the banana ones my self. But as it were there
is an ocean between us, so i guess that´ll have to wait. Now, I have aliens
to deal with, so I shan´t be bothering you further. Should you get thirsty
by the end of the day I might suggest a milkshake.

So long, and take care
Your norwegian liaison to his holyness the archbishop


I know this isn’t a surprise for those of you that know me, but I am pretty certain this summer I am only really listening to music if Blake Schwarzenbach is in the band. I know this doesn’t give me too many options, but I am ok with that.

– Jawbreaker –

– Jets To Brazil –

Speaking of those of you who know me…I don’t think anyone who I know irl visits this site, outside of work heads. So, strangers please leave a comment and introduce yourself.